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Becoming Three: How to Create Household Harmony as Parents with a New Baby

ForSaleByOwner May 3, 2024

Everything changes when the baby comes. The joy of becoming three is something no parent can truly prepare for. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for when the baby arrives.

To achieve true household harmony you need to start getting ready. From making room for your brand-new baby and his or her things to finding calm during a tantrum now is the time to prepare.

Here’s what you can do to instill a little serenity as you transition to life as a family.

Create a Separate Nursery

Most new parents question whether they should share a room with the baby. Room sharing can be beneficial for the first few months, especially for feeding and resolving fussiness in the middle of the night, but there are downsides. Sharing a room with your baby can cause them to develop bad sleeping habits, especially if you’re waking up at every sound to settle or feed them.

Eventually you’re going to need a separate nursery so you and baby can get the sleep you need. Creating the perfect nursery takes work, but it’s well worth it days, weeks or months after the baby comes.

Make Extra Storage for Baby Gear

An added benefit of having a separate nursery is that there’s a place to store the baby gear. In addition to a crib you’ll have the stroller, furniture, car seat, clothes and toys and it all needs to go somewhere

If you’re living in a small home or apartment, you’ll need to get creative with your storage solutions.

  • Use a wall mount for bicycles to store your stroller
  • Find furniture that folds and flips
  • Use wicker baskets and suitcases to store what you’re not using
  • Securely stack cabinets to the ceiling to make room

Taking Care of Baby (and You)

Between changing, feeding, playing and putting your child down it’s easy to forget about your needs. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself while caring for baby.

  • Shower – Getting in a shower might seem almost impossible as a new mom. You don’t want to leave your baby and he or she cries as soon as your foot hits the tile. Bring the bouncy seat into the bathroom, add a clear shower curtain if you don’t have a walk-in shower and get scrubbing. Your baby and your partner will thank you for it.
  • Media – In the few minutes that you’ll have alone you’ll want to be ready. The last thing you want is to lose your precious alone time to channel surfing. Find some of your favorite books, shows, or music to help relax you during the downtime. When the next tantrum, changing or feeding comes you’ll thank yourself for it.
  • Meditation – Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety as well as aid in sleep and decrease the risk of postpartum depression. If you’re not in the habit of meditating already, try it during pregnancy. All it takes is to sit in a comfortable chair and focus attention on your breath for a few minutes. You can even try doing it with your baby instead of trying to find time to do it alone.
  • Postnatal Yoga – If you’re suffering from headaches, back pain or fatigue then postnatal yoga may be able to help you relax and treat your aches and pains. Some yoga positions can even help babies get through colic, upset stomachs and bouts of crying.
  • Connect with Your Partner – Sleep deprivation, work and hectic schedules can lead new parents to feel disconnected. Take at least twenty or thirty minutes each day to connect with your loved one. Talk about things outside of work and the baby. Spend it cuddled up on the couch or before bed.

If you’re struggling to find serenity as three, it might be time to find a bigger home. Luckily, ForSaleByOwner has everything you need to sell your starter home and save. With tools, guides and services to help you price, prepare and market your home to millions of buyers, ForSaleByOwner makes it easy to sell and find household harmony. List your home for sale with ForSaleByOwner.